In The Mix

As a SharePoint architect I have the business behind me and the Developers and IT Pro on my shoulders.

Disable Send welcome e-mail to the new users March 31, 2008

Filed under: SharePoint — fmuntean @ 3:16 pm

In SharePoint when adding a new user to your site the check-box “Send welcome e-mail to the new users” is checked by default. This can be very annoying and personally I think that might count as spam when setting up multiple sites in SharePoint. (Usually adding the users happens before the sites are ready for the public use, and an official e-mail is sent later to announce the site when you are ready.)  I always find myself unchecking it so I started looking into ways to ease my life.

There is a easy way to disable this:

The page that controls this is in Layouts folder under the 12 Hive (as it is known by SharePoint admins). The page name is aclinv.aspx. I recommend creating a copy of the file before making any changes for backup purposes. You will need to modify just one line inside it.Starting at line 190 look for the following code:

Now all we need to change is the line: Checked=”True” to Checked=”False”.

Note: If you have multiple Web Front End Servers make sure that you change the file on all of them.


Hello world! March 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — fmuntean @ 12:09 am

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!